Article: [Palaver Loves] "The Apricot Memoirs" by Tess Guinery

[Palaver Loves] "The Apricot Memoirs" by Tess Guinery
“Chew them in full or bite them slow”
I’m a complete believer in working hard for a life that you love, that leaves you satisfied at the end of your day, a full life that you don't need or necessarily even want to take a break from. An important part of building such a lifestyle is finding the special ingredients that are able to inspire you during the course of your busy days.
Ingredients that can pull you away from the to-do lists and add sprinkles of magical things and mystery into your everyday. “The Apricot Memoirs” does just that. Whether it was while reading the book on the train, or through a phrase that kept coming back to me during the week, the words and musings were able to wake me up out of my everyday task-driven thoughts.
Truly profound reflections couched in the prettiest of prose and poetry. Through her wordsmithery, Tess Guinery has the power to transport you from the busy, the clutter and the rush, to that space in your mind where the air is fresh and the mystery endless. What a welcome relief as we juggle daily with career, parenthood, entrepreneurship, or whatever it is you are working for.

I can’t help think about the person that picks this book up and falls upon the words that she needs to read at that exact time, at that exact moment.
Nothing but love, thank you Tess Guinery for your truly inspiring works.